We've all heard the PSAs and the news stories about the devastating
statistics surrounding texting and driving. The reason why you shouldn't text
while driving is simple: it’s distracting. If you are fumbling with your phone
(texting or dialing or Tweeting or Facebooking) you are not paying attention to
what you are doing. If you’re not careful, disaster could strike because of not
focusing on the task at hand. I have found out that there are plenty of
distractions that pop up on my personal road trip, as well.
Everyday, I am faced with distractions that jump out in front of me like a
ball that was errantly thrown into the street. I know that I must keep my eyes
on the road so that I can be prepared to maneuver around these obstacles that
come out of nowhere. I like to control my environment so as to keep such
distractions to a minimum, but life will— more often than not— get in the way,
so I have to be ready. Now, that’s not to say that I walk around like a ninja
ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey, but I do stay focused by asking myself
this one question: “Is it worth it?” Most of the time, I know that the answer is
no; however, there are times where the answer has been a resounding “yes!!”
(Hmmm, could that be considered “texting at a red light”? Probably) But, as I
have said so many times here, this journey that we are on, is supposed to be
enjoyable. I understand that living life like a mouse trap always waiting to
spring, but never knowing if or when you will break, doesn't sound like a lot of
fun. It's certainly not the way I would want to live, so I have learned to
manage my distractions.
Now, I know me, and if I were to go to a broccoli factory and they
said “you can eat until your satisfied”, I’m pretty sure I'd just turn around
and walk away. Now, an all-you-can-eat chocolate/coconut/macaroon facility? Now
we’re talking! But here’s the thing, if I stay focused on my destination, I
don't let anything distract me from reaching that destination and I walk in
there with all the self-control I can muster, I know that I will be able to keep
my vehicle under control and allow myself the opportunity to splurge. The bonus
is that since nothing is off limits with the WW plan, it's not really cheating!
Wait, what was my point? Once I started thinking about
a macaroon factory, I got distracted from what I was trying to say. Ironically, I believe I just made my point. Don't let silly little things derail
what you have worked so hard to accomplish. You are on this journey for a reason
and have an important goal that you are trying to reach, so don't take your eyes
off the road, not even for a second, because it could be disastrous for your
road trip.
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