You know how, at the end of a long road trip, after you've finally made it
to your destination, you tell yourself that you will never get in a car
again? Then, maybe after you've had a short nap, you find yourself in the
car going to dinner or out with the Girls or after a few days, you could
be looking at the long drive home you have ahead of you. In any case, you
realize that you will forever be on a road trip, and that you will
continually have destinations which you will always be attempting to reach.
I hadn't really given much thought to what happens when I finally reach my
goal, and then the other day, Margie the Magnificent (my incredible WW leader)
mentioned to me that the journey will not end once I get to “Canton”, but it
will merely shift. Shift to maintaining rather than losing, shift to living
rather than struggling, shift to being self-confident rather than
As I have often said in the posts here, the “Road Trip” is symbolic for the
journey through life. Now I see that life is not one big road trip, but
rather like a series of road trips along a perpetual winding road. So, when this
journey ends, another one will begin. Another thing I may have mentioned— a
time or two— is that Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” has always inspired
me, both as a writer and as a person, and that has made all the difference in
this adventure. Many times in life, there will be the option to choose one of
two roads. And while there may not necessarily be a wrong choice, there is a
right choice for the right time. Each choice will lead us to the next fork in
the road, and so on. The journey never ends, the destination and purpose only
While I am not currently standing at the divergence of two roads, I’m sure
there are some of you out there who are. Don’t fret about your choice, embrace
it. If you land on a path that is not taking you where you want to go, then look
for the next fork. If you aren't sure where you are on your path, get our your
compass, map, GPS or phone a friend! That’s the beauty of not taking the road
trip alone!